What streets and how many houses comprise the Old Coach neighborhood?

The Old Coach neighborhood has 78 houses on 10 streets

How do I submit a request for improvements?

All changes a home owner wishes to make to the exterior, landscaping or structurally to the interior of their home, must be in keeping with the ARCH Guidelines, be submitted to the Board on a fully completed Application for Architectural Improvements and be approved PRIOR to work beginning on any improvements. Applications are reviewed monthly at the Board meetings. 

Where can I get a RFID sticker for the gate?

Stickers are $15. Email Hugh Maynard at hugh@pmchoa.com

What about HOA dues?

Old Coach residents pay homeowner’s dues on monthly basis. Our fiscal year runs from Jan-Dec. The homeowners dues fund the maintenance of OCC property, which includes maintaining the streets, the entry/exit gates, and other common areas. Contact us for current dues.

What schools do children living in Old Coach attend?

Old Coach families are served by the Poway Unified School District, which includes Painted Rock Elementary School, Twin Peaks Middle School, and Poway High School. Families may also consider nearby private schools such as St. Michael’s, Cathedral Catholic High School, Maranatha, and several Montessori schools. There are also a number of private preschools in the area.

What is the policy on trash removal?

Trash, recycling, and yard debris pick-up day in our neighborhood is Tuesday. (See EDCO for holiday schedule). Containers can be placed on the curb for collection on the morning of pick-up or the previous evening. After pick-up, empty containers should be collected that day and stored in the garage or behind the fence out of sight of passersby on the street. 

What exterior home improvements require approval?

Any proposed changes or improvements visible from the street and/or adjacent property must be submitted to the Architectural Committee for approval prior to commencement. This includes paint, roofs, windows, fences, gates, new rooms/room additions, sheds, patios, patio covers, entry covers, awnings, hardscape (sidewalks, driveways, decorative walls), and recreational equipment (basketball backboards, swings, etc.). Please refer to the Architectural Guidelines for more details and if in doubt, contact the Board President or PMC.

What if I share a fence (or other property) with the Association?

There are a number of homes adjacent to Association-owned property (along pass-throughs, walkways and the community pool). Any improvements made on shared property (replacing fences, trimming trees, etc.) must be performed by a contractor that is licensed, bonded and insured and requires prior approval by the Board. Typically, the expense is shared between the homeowners.

Where do I buy paint for my house?

Our 9 original and 5 new paint color schemes can now be found on the Sherwin-Williams website. Old Coach homeowners qualify for contractor rates on paint and supplies.